Wednesday, August 31, 2011

The August List of Awesome

People of the interwebs! Despite appearances (or lack thereof) I haven’t abandoned Blogland! Could you believe it? Believe it, because it’s true!

August has been a particularly difficult month for the Haus of Boo. I’ve been stressed beyond belief, which allowed my anxiety and unhappiness to get the better of me for three solid weeks. It’s been a fight reminiscent of Frodo and his cronies, but after much gnashing of teeth and angsty tears, and stumbling over some pretty large nuggets of self-discovery, I finally feel like I’m back on the yellow brick road, pulling faces at the flying monkeys.

Now, that’s not to say that there haven’t been awesome moments throughout the month of gusts. There have been! Just… not enough to fill a weekly list of wonders, y’dig? So, in the moments that haven’t been consumed with scowls and cheek-chewing, these are the zaps of awesome that kept me going:

* My new haircut. It is, in a word, UN-FUCKING-BEATABLE! I LOVE IT!!!!!

* My DIY shades-of-purple Leopard-print mani and pedi, which I conquered while watching 28 Weeks Later

* Zombie movies

* The Cool Inc. 2nd Annual Tattoo Convention at Cool Runnings, Fourways. There was so much awesome that happened there! Mister Boo’s first tattoo!

All the freaks and ghouls partying together! Rockstar Energy Drink! Meeting my friend’s 2-year-old daughter for the first time and playing to our hearts’ content! The stunning buzz of dozens of tattoo guns all day! Watching a suspension in the flesh! *cough – pun intended*

It rocked my world.

* Finding turquoise hair dye! I can’t wait for my next appointment, so I can rock mermaid hair! Eeeeep!!!

* My Little Pony Hair

* Enough is enough

* God’s Away on Business by… The Cookie Monster?!

* The new earrings Mister Boo bought me at the convention. I was hoping to get a tattoo or piercing, but the artist I wanted to see was so busy, so to console me, Mister Boo spoilt me.

* The Boat That Rocked. That movie is my ultimate at the moment; it’s the only thing that can kick the mean reds out of my life, even if it’s just for a while.

* The Blues. I NEED to get back to practicing my guitar, so I can play the Blues.

* Impromptu jamming in the middle of the night at the home of someone we only met hours before. And a special acoustic rendition of ‘Back Door Man’, just for me.

* Random late-night text marathons with Simba. Dayum, I miss that man!

* Translucent ants eating coloured liquids

* For those about to rock…

* The Springboks. They had a tough Tri-Nations, but got the nation behind them nonetheless. Good luck in the World Cup, boys! No matter what happens, you’ll make us proud to wear green and gold!

Bok Bloms!
 * Wearing less layers as the weather warms up. Yay!

* Snuggling with my husband.

* One of my best friends is getting married! I’m SO excited! Can’t stop squeeing about it!

* Pinterest

* Kicking ass and taking names.

* BrainyJane22 on why mom bloggers make her bitter. I’m so glad I’m not alone on this one! I thought I was just being a jealous cow. Also: LOVE THIS GIRL! She’s brave and smart and funny and honest and witty. All in one.

* The time I was a 200-pound beauty queen, via The Hairpin

* Being wicked. It may not always be very nice, but it’s so much fun!

* Crafting away like a little demon girl in preparation for…

* …My first market, which is coming up this weekend! Eeeeep!!!! SOOOO much of bounce and excite! It’s going to be loads of fun, and we’re planning to be sold out by lunch time. Ha!

* Contact Lenses. I lost my last left lens, and for three weeks, have been bespectacled*, much to my dismay. It’s not that I don’t love my glasses – I really do! – but I have latent issues from wearing glasses as a kid, so having my lenses back is a God-send! I’m an avid people-watcher, but it’s way more difficult when your eyes are exposed. I usually have the advantage of super-reflective enormous sunglasses to keep people from seeing that they’re being watched, but without contact lenses, that’s been a bit difficult. To have my force-field back feels wonderful!

* Babies laughing hysterically at spray bottles

* My super-sparkly ring, which I got from the divine Amy D.

I feel like I’ve found my Weird Sister in her, and she’s talented to boot!

* Dermalogica facials. I had an accumulation of loyalty points at my Sorbet Salon, and got a free treatment! I chose to have a Dermalogica Classic Facial; which rocked my world six ways from Sunday! I felt like gajillion bucks when I floated out of there!

* Seafood Risotto. Yum!

* My BlackBerry. I know, you just groaned and rolled your eyes, but honestly? I was the same, until I got one. It takes stunning photos and video, BBM is the way of the future, and it’s just so pretty! <3

* Vodka & Cranberry juice.

Hi Ash!
* Already Pretty – Smart vs Pretty

* Mango smoothies

* Bangles halfway up to my elbow, jangling and clinking and hanging out there, looking pretty all the time. It’s easy to feel like a rock-star when you try.

* This mash-up on Glee

* Hello Kitty tongue tattoos

Also for the skin!
* Glee in general. I still love it.

* My weight-loss and limited budget forcing me to get creative with my wardrobe. When I finally get around to sorting it properly, I know it’s going to pay off!

* Crazy dreams. Like, REM dream-when-you’re-asleep dreams, rather than ‘I-have-a-dream’ dreams. Although having crazy ‘I-have-a-dream’ dreams is a good thing too!

* These shoes

Maja, can you hear me?!
* The Beatles. Eternally.

My gorgeous Maja! 

Muuuuuuuuush boooooooootifoooooooool!
* Market planning. Man oh man, is it going to be good! Yippee!!!!!

* The last day of winter. It’s SO good to know that in less than 12 hours, winter will officially be over for the year! Yay!!

* Getting back to blogging. Even though I wasn’t feeling it, I really missed it! But now I’m back! (From outer space!)

So, ma petit chous, what made your month?


Wednesday, August 10, 2011

And now for something completely different...

We interrupt regular posting for breaking news:


I'm feeling thoroughly exhausted and run down at the moment, so I'll be taking a bit of a break from posting for a short while. I'll be chucking vitamins down my throat and pumping them into my veins, and will hopefully get a bit of extra sleep and real, proper down-time for a few days, and will bounce back with a vengeance next week.

Hugs and Fishes,


Thursday, August 4, 2011

Miss Boo Originals


Springbok colours, just in time for Bok Fridays, the Tri-Nations and the Rugby World Cup!

Head on over to the Facebook page for more info!


Wednesday, August 3, 2011

Wednesday Wonders - 03.08.2011

It's been another peculiar week. Leading up to TiLT last week, I'd been feeling exceptionally bleak, but still managed to find a heap of things for which to be grateful. The last seven days have been a lot less stressful and rattling, and I've felt a lot more peaceful and happy. And yet, I have a much shorter list for you today. Ha! On to it, then:

* In Defense of Weeds I've always loved seeing what beautiful distractions weeds create as they suffocate and smother. I'm weird like that. (And in so many other ways)

* My new pixie hat. With a bell on the end. It's AWESOME!

* This photo

Sporting a Miss Boo Original hair accessory!!

* Me, Mister Boo and Maja Boo all singing along madly to whatever came on the radio on the way home on Sunday. Including 'Raining Men'.

* Sunday. It was crazy and random and bizarre, but it was a day to remember, and we even made waiting in the ER fun and crazy.

* My husband, for being such a sweetheart and a nut all in one package. He's a bit like a Ferrero Rocher like that!

* My darling Maja Boo. Because she's awesome.

* Creating stuff with vision! Miss Boo Originals is on the road to rolling right now! Eeeeep!!! I finally posted images of what I've been making on Facebook - head on over and 'Like' them!

* Hearing "I'm getting married" from someone I love and adore. So excited!

* Entertaining weird and crazy ideas that would usually seem totally bizarre, but might just be good ideas anyway.

* Snickering in church.

* Shopping with purpose and direction. No aimless wandering for me!

* Downside: Feeling totally weird because of antibiotics; weird enough to spend a day in bed. Upside: Feeling more centred and revitalised after said day in bed.

* Hearing the birds chirping a little earlier every morning. COME ON, SPRING!!!!

 Little things I love this week:

* Scrambled eggs in the microwave * Unexpected turns in the road making perfect sense because of dreams I had months ago. * Weird-ass dreams * The glossy starlings that live above my door at the office. They are such crazy characters! * Grilled Cheesus *

Well, that seems to be it for this week. Let me know how yours went in the comments!

Monday, August 1, 2011

When You Say Yes - How it went

So, at the beginning of July, I made a list of things I wanted to achieve in the month of my birthday. Here's how it went:

1. FINALLY become a blood donor -- Yea. I got as far as finding out where the nearest donor centre is, but never actually got there to donate. I still have this on my list, but it will probably have to be postponed until I'm done with my rabies shots. (Does it count that I'm going to feel like a pincushion by the end of this whole dog-bite indaba?)

Dog bite. Small...

...but Sore!
2. Spend a weekend creating healthy & tasty meals & menus for at least one week at a time. -- I didn't spend a whole weekend doing this, but managed to come up with some pretty awesome ideas in just a morning. So far, so good; I've been eating much healthier since then, and enjoying the meals to boot! So yay for that! It's been much easier to get into a healthier lifestyle just by being prepared to eat better. Long may it last!

3. Tell the people I love something that I adore about them, unfailingly. -- I've realised that I do this a lot more than I think I do, just by default. So I'm just gonna keep doing it, because you can never tell someone you love them too much.

4. Create something when the idea / inspiration strikes. No matter what time of day or night. -- Oh, this has been the downfall of a lot of hours of sleep! BUT, it's starting to pay off, big time. Yay for Miss Boo Originals!

Some Miss Boo Originals
5. Clear out my cupboards, jewellery, accessories and shoes. -- This is a work in progress. I'm really loving the process of clearing things out, because I feel so much lighter in spirit and soul without all that old stuff clogging up my life. It's leading up to a killer jumble sale, I tell ya!

6. Make a new bag. Sell it. -- Working on this... it's a matter of income at this stage, but that will start flowing in soon, and then the bag will be in the making. Ha!

7. Do not give negative people the satisfaction of getting to me. -- I've had to work really hard at this one, and, for the most part, it's paid off. I've just refused to accept other people's condescension and bad attitudes, and I feel better for it. It's hard work though, no matter how worth it it is! (*Did that make sense??)

8. Finish the projects I've started, which have been lying, half-finished, in the studio or spare room for months now. -- This is also a work in progress, in conjunction with clearing out my closets. It's all systems go, though, just... slower than I'd hoped. Still, rather do it properly and slowly than rushed and badly, right?

9. Plan a holiday. Properly. Research. Vision Boards. Plan of Action. -- Hmm... How did I fail to complete this one? Oh yea! I'm up to my eyeballs in debt, which makes dreaming of a holiday seem a bit futile; actually trying to plan one when you're as broke as this is just a bit depressing. Maybe I'll come back to this one later in the year.

10. Have the balls to rock an extreme look (outfit and hairstyle) just because. -- I've realised that I do this fairly often too. What I call boring is what a lot of other people call 'out of the box', and looking back at some of my outfits in comparison to what I see on other people all day... I'm not doing too badly. Bonus points for a pixie hat with a bell on the end though! That'll cheer up a blue Monday like nothing on earth!

I called this boring. Other people, however, apparently don't think so.

Wearing this hat to work on a blue Monday, though... Even I can't deny the sheer out-of-the-box-ness of that!
Bonus: De-clutter my environment, and, by extension, my soul. -- All systems go! I've learnt that de-cluttering is a much longer process than I'd originally planned, but the longer it takes, the more satisfying it seems. Yay!

I do have some ideas for August, but a few are repeats of the July list (mostly de-cluttering-centric). I think that, instead of a list per month, I might do lists for each season...

Look forward to the Spring To-Do List! What sort of things would you add?