Wednesday, August 3, 2011

Wednesday Wonders - 03.08.2011

It's been another peculiar week. Leading up to TiLT last week, I'd been feeling exceptionally bleak, but still managed to find a heap of things for which to be grateful. The last seven days have been a lot less stressful and rattling, and I've felt a lot more peaceful and happy. And yet, I have a much shorter list for you today. Ha! On to it, then:

* In Defense of Weeds I've always loved seeing what beautiful distractions weeds create as they suffocate and smother. I'm weird like that. (And in so many other ways)

* My new pixie hat. With a bell on the end. It's AWESOME!

* This photo

Sporting a Miss Boo Original hair accessory!!

* Me, Mister Boo and Maja Boo all singing along madly to whatever came on the radio on the way home on Sunday. Including 'Raining Men'.

* Sunday. It was crazy and random and bizarre, but it was a day to remember, and we even made waiting in the ER fun and crazy.

* My husband, for being such a sweetheart and a nut all in one package. He's a bit like a Ferrero Rocher like that!

* My darling Maja Boo. Because she's awesome.

* Creating stuff with vision! Miss Boo Originals is on the road to rolling right now! Eeeeep!!! I finally posted images of what I've been making on Facebook - head on over and 'Like' them!

* Hearing "I'm getting married" from someone I love and adore. So excited!

* Entertaining weird and crazy ideas that would usually seem totally bizarre, but might just be good ideas anyway.

* Snickering in church.

* Shopping with purpose and direction. No aimless wandering for me!

* Downside: Feeling totally weird because of antibiotics; weird enough to spend a day in bed. Upside: Feeling more centred and revitalised after said day in bed.

* Hearing the birds chirping a little earlier every morning. COME ON, SPRING!!!!

 Little things I love this week:

* Scrambled eggs in the microwave * Unexpected turns in the road making perfect sense because of dreams I had months ago. * Weird-ass dreams * The glossy starlings that live above my door at the office. They are such crazy characters! * Grilled Cheesus *

Well, that seems to be it for this week. Let me know how yours went in the comments!

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