So… it’s full moon this week, and my mood is looking up! (Curse being ruled by the moon sometimes!) Yay for that, at the very least! Here are some other things which have made me happy this week:
* My new hair!!! It’s not blue, it’s not pink, it’s not purple…. But it’s incredible. After two years of incessant bleaching and My Little Pony colours, there were parts of my hair that started to feel like shredded paper – NOT GOOD. So that, in conjunction with a tighter Breadwinner’s Budget, led to the decision to shock the socks off of everyone and do something relatively normal. It’s dark, but it’s still extreme – I still have a rock star cut, just in a normal-ish colour. But I just LOVE it!!! The last couple of times I’ve coloured my hair, I’ve spent weeks toying with the idea of just going dark for a while and giving the rainbow hair a break, but I haven’t been able to bring myself to do it. But now is the right time, and I am in love with my hair again, for the first time in a little while. Every time I look in the mirror, I beam because it looks so fabulous. And let me tell you, it’s already opened up a whole new box of ideas for make up and outfits now that I have a more versatile palette to work with! For. The. Win.
* Dying. I spent last Thursday dying clothes. I have a skirt that I love – it’s jersey knit, it’s the right length, it’s got navy stripes and it fits like a dream. The trouble with it was that the navy stripes lay on an off-white background, and I just don’t have enough off-white to make it work for me. Nor do I have more than one top in the right shade of blue to make it worthwhile in its original form. SO, after much consideration, I took to it with charcoal dye. Much like the top my darling Mister Boo ruined a few months back (which turned out to be a blessing in disguise, despite the fury he faced!), it looks incredible in charcoal and navy stripes, and I’ve been loathe to take it off. In the same dye lot, I dropped a crisp white tank top, with little bits of string wrapped around it in random places. This is the result of such genius: I’m in LOVE. (I will post some pics soon - just have to squeeze in a few moments for a mini photo-sesh!) I’ve been a very busy Boo!
* Down time. Even though we haven’t done much, socially, for a while, I have still felt totally rushed off my feet the last couple of weeks. I think it’s a combination of raging emotions and the markets we’ve done than anything else, but I’ve felt utterly exhausted. Last weekend, except for de-fuzzing and hair-awesoming (it’s totally a verb!!!), I did as little as possible. And it was SPECTACULAR. I feel so revitalized and refreshed, and ready to tackle the epic weekend ahead.
* On that note, ANGIE’S GETTING MARRIED ON SATURDAY!!!!! I’m SO freaking excited for her; I have spent so much time squeeing that I risk ending up like Adele. I’ve got my outfit together (figured out a pop of colour solution in my outfit planning this morning) and am now ready to rock and roll. Excite!!!
* Mister Boo’s anticipation at his first Gautrain ride. I’ve been riding solo the last couple of times, and I rave about the experience each time, so now he’s super excited to try it out for himself! Yay!
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This made me cry with laughter! |
* The Springboks. They may not have come home with the trophy, but, as far as I’m concerned, they came back with their dignity intact (more than I can say for the team who knocked them out of the tournament, to whom the rules clearly didn’t apply in the last match!!) and were received as heroes nonetheless. I was very tempted to develop a sudden-onset case of rabies to get off work and rush to the airport to throw myself at certain returning Boks…. Offer a sympathetic and attentive shoulder to cry on…. *cough* welcome them home.
* On Sunday night, at the dinner table, I almost got pumpkin to fly out of Maja Boo’s mouth, all over the Family Boo. It went like this:
Miss Boo, at seeing an advert for my insurance company: “Ah, shyte, I have to cancel my insurance!!”
Mister Boo: “Yea, but you’ll be doing Pierre Spies out of his sponsorship money.”
Maja Boo: “I’m sure she can think of things to do to make up for it.”
Miss Boo, at seeing an advert for my insurance company: “Ah, shyte, I have to cancel my insurance!!”
Mister Boo: “Yea, but you’ll be doing Pierre Spies out of his sponsorship money.”
Maja Boo: “I’m sure she can think of things to do to make up for it.”
Mister Boo: “Screw Pierre Spies then.”
Miss Boo: “Um…. With pleasure?!”
Mister Boo: “So when you cancel your insurance, Pierre Spies can give you your out-bonus.”
Miss Boo: “I should bloody hope so!”
Grampa Boo: “Well, (Mister Boo), you walked right into that one!”
* Being filled with an inexplicable, overwhelming feeling of love. Which is especially unusual for a Monday morning. It’s awesome. More of that, please, Universe!
* Naturally, the Johnny Cash Project is the next point!
* Picking up my guitar last night, after a rather long time, and getting the hang of it again quickly. And then attempting one of my ultimate songs to learn
* Also: Picking up my tarot cards last night, after over a year, and doing a spread. Lots to ponder now!!!!
* Little girls in princess dresses playing pirates and kicking little boys' asses at it
* Walking with my iPod. I have a whole playlist of the best music for exercising, and last night I finally remembered to take it with on our walk. It made such a difference! I rocked that walk so hard!! (Incidentally, the music I have on there is less like Nts-Nts dance music, and more along the lines of Smells Like Teen Spirit, Black Dog, and Papa Was A Rolling Stone)
* The Avengers trailer! I JUST watched it, and nearly fell off my chair in excitement. EEEEEEP! Roll on May 2012!!! (Incidentally, the Thor DVD hit shelves here today..... go out and get your copy! But... leave one for me too, yea?)
* There's a pink-haired tattooed Barbie now!
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Little things which made me smile:
* Basmati Rice * Glass biscuit jars with fairy lights inside * Treble Clef earrings * Wanderlust. Actually, I keep bitching about it at the moment, because I feel like I'm stuck in a rut when I should be out there, experiencing the world. But it's still on my list of things to love. I'm trying, okay?! * Plants vs. Zombies * Stylin' Scarf Styling * New ideas for Miss Boo Originals! * A good night's sleep last night. For the win!! * Deciding on the last details of my outfit for Saturday - Eeep! * Tomato soup * New recipe ideas *
Et vous, Boolettes? What's made you happy this week? I'd love to hear in the comments!
Lots made me a happy llama this week. receiving a special delivery to be worn at my wedding reception this weekend, a gorgeous, stunning, Miss Boo! original, having a special friend suggest an extra (might i add PERFECT) song for the ceremony, agree to sing it, and do so like its no effort at all! Having my family plan a perfect wedding! being uber excited to say i do, then party the night away with my awesome family, amazing friends, and gorgeous husband!