After an epic few months, I’m back. There have been SO. MANY. CHANGES, and for
a while there, I wasn’t able to juggle everything.
There’s been too much to go into, but the basic run down is something
like this:
- Mister Boo and I moved out and
into our own house. It’s wonderful!! We’ve had so much fun making it ours
(and I don’t mean peeing on shit to claim ownership – we leave that to the
diggles) and really feel settled. We’re even considering staying for more
than a year!
- I
realizedaccepted that I wasn’t coping with life, and that I didn’t want to spend every. single. day. sobbing and wailing like a mad woman, so I got my ass off to the doctor and sniffled my way through ‘I need help’. And help he did. Within weeks of going onto the antidepressants he gave me, I started feeling better and less out of control, and in the months since then, I have actually begun to enjoy life again, and see the beauty in the little things as well as the big. Life is good again!
- Mama Boo moved to Cape Town. She
and Gramps made the great trek in May, and settled in quite quickly. But…
- Gramps got dementia really fast,
and deteriorated almost at the speed of light, and in June, he passed
away. I went down to Cape Town for a week to help Mama Boo do what needed
doing, and was in a bit of a strange place when I came back to Joburg.
Lots of thinking time + epic emotions = small scale melt down. But, thanks
to the wonders of medicine, I managed to pick myself up relatively
unscathed and move on.
- I turned 27. 26 was
undoubtedly my crappiest year so far, and I was SO glad to see the back of
it. I bolted into 27 head-first, and so far, I'm enjoying being anything
but 26. And 27 has been an age I've looked forward to for most of my life,
so I'm glad to be it.
- I’ve been plotting awesome
Aunty-type things, because one of my best friends, and my
sister-from-another-mister (Mister Boo’s sister) are both
pregnant. I’m pretty excited about being an aunty twice in one year,
despite the fact that really fresh babies scare the bejeesus out of me
(More on this in an upcoming post).
I feel like me again,
which means writing and blogging and creating again! *happy
Love and llamas
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