* Impromptu dinner at V's folks
* Playing with one of the world's most
gorgeous kitties, Orlando, the Maine Coone
* Crazy miscommunications. EG: "Baby
salami? Like salami made from babies?!" And "On the way home the
other night, I hit a cervix."*
* Curry night craziness, wine in the eye
and dodgy-as-fuck dreams that put mine to shame
* Ash's visit! Girl talk, crazy talk, LOTS
of talk!
* Derby Gangnam Style
* DOORS!!! Despite the douchey bouncers,
we had another incredible night at my home-away-from-home. It wasn't the usual
crowd, but that made it no less awesome. We were there super-early, and got to
watch the crazies flooding in. I realised that the best way to describe Doors
is this: when the freaks and ghouls come out to play at night, they come to
Doors. I danced, I bounced, I shook my ass and swung my head with the best of
them and I Had. A. Blast! And we only got home at 4am. Pooped!!
* Random roadtrips. We departed for
Krugersdorp in a slightly fragile state on Sunday morning, with good intentions
and Milky Bar Krushers. And then we realised we had No. Idea. Where we were
going. 3 HOURS LATER we finally found Ash's sister!! In the interim? Party
bus!!! We laughed so hard and so much that I nearly peed myself. (That could
have been because we were on the road for 3 hours though!) (To put it into
context, when we finally knew where we were, it took us about 30mins to get
home. Talk about the long way round!!)
* A quiet night in after 3 nights of chaos
* Mad Men RickRolling you
* It's Dinee's birthday this week, and
we're going for a girls' dinner on Friday night. Rumour has it there may be
dancing and/or karaoke involved. Oh dear...
* The people I spend most of my time with are
most definitely extroverts, sometimes to the extreme. This weekend, we had a
textbook introvert in our midst, and it was surprising to see that most of us
didn’t know what to do with her! We’ve forgotten how to care for introverts.
The shame! So, in case you too need reminding, read this: Letting Introverts be Introverts
Little things that made me smile:
* Random epiphanies at the strangest
moments. I'm learning a lot about myself every day, and it's surprisingly
awesome *
My new cellphone covers, which cost me R10 each, and which I can match to my
nail polish *
Dr. Seuss. This may have something to do with Awesome Auntying… * Scampy
giving me morning grins * The new crop of Doors-Whores * Puppies sleeping on my desk all day at work *
Et vous, Boolings?
* No babies or cervices were harmed in the production of this post
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